Reasons To Protest Your Commercial Property Tax
Much of the commercial property, unfortunately, tends to be overvalued, duly leading to excess tax bills. Market fluctuations, incorrect property data, or depreciation may not have reflected accurately in your assessment. You have every right to a commercial property tax protest aimed at correcting these inaccuracies so you can secure what should be a fair value.
How To File a Commercial Property Tax Protest
1. Review Your Property Appraisal
Begin with a review of your property tax appraisal with comparable property assessments for the area. If the valuation appears to be a bit high, you have some reason to protest.
2. Collect Supporting Evidence
This means doing your homework. Gather proof of recent sales, income statements, and records of property conditions. Concrete evidence of a lowering market value or an evidence of repairs needed on your property will help justify a valid claim for a lower assessment.
3. File Your Protest
The deadline for protesting is different in each county. Be sure to file your appeal on time. You may well find yourself having to present your case to an appraisal review board.
A successful commercial property tax protest can save you a critical amount of tax dollars that you can put right back into your business. Don't sit idly by while an inflated appraisal ever-increases your expenses; challenge your assessment and lessen that tax bill starting today.